Home > Artworks > Natalia Elena Menchón

Photo of Natalia Elena Menchón Argentina

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Nase on 6 April 1976 in the city of Tandil where he currently works.

Degrees Obtained:

National Teacher of Drawing.

Professor of Visual Arts with a concentration in Painting

Initial Teacher Education...

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Nase on 6 April 1976 in the city of Tandil where he currently works.

Degrees Obtained:

National Teacher of Drawing.

Professor of Visual Arts with a concentration in Painting

Initial Teacher Education

Participate in classroom FOLLOWING:

2008 Literary Contest and Plastic. Yunque universe in UNI. Organized by the UNCPBA

Diverging 2007 Group Show at the Palais de Glace; Show Sacra in the town of San Cayetano;

2006 Group Show of Young Artists in the city of Tandil, XXXV National Salon of Religious Art; Displays and sales of paintings in Spain, Andalusia.

Participated in Live Art 2005 to be an Art Education Exchange Project - Cultural, Visual Arts Award Argentino, XXXIV National Salon of Religious Art;

River Plate 2004 Visual Arts Award, IX Bienal de Arte Sacro - Painting in Borges Cultural Center, Pacific Gallery, Painting Gallery VI Tango Art Prize for Visual Arts AWMA belonging to the Fundación Federico Jorge Klemm, XXXIII National Salon of Religious Art;

XXXII 2003 National Exhibition of Sacred Art

1992 Art Show on the war in the Falkland Islands.


2008 - Grand Prize in the contest X Adventure Cooperation. Awarded by Columbia Bank.

2005 - Plastic Artist Tandil jury awarded by the National Hall of sacred art in the city of Tandil.

2004 - Third mention awarded by the jury of the National Salon of Religious Art in the city of Tandil.

1992 - First prize for painting awarded by the Air Operations Command VI Brigada Aerea. (From the award-winning posters were advertising)

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